Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I have had a break through with thinking about the new work I am doing with my art. I have been trying to conceptualize portraying music visually and it's taken some mental somersaults to peg down a concept that works. My main problem is the conflict between left brain and right brain approaches to music and art. As an artist I have been surprised recently to discover that I have a lot of left brain tendencies. In the process of painting music my first attempts were little more than a new notation. The work was a description of the music based on different musical elements of the music. I realize that the left brain in me wants to 'describe' the music and switching over to the right brain allows me more freedom to 'portray' the music. I think my work from now will involve a balance between the two. Incorporating valid abstract imagery with aesthetic and accessible concrete subject. I'm calling these pieces 'Callosums" because the balance be between the left and right brain is possible because of the corpus callosum joining the two. More on this to come!

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